Sapience: The Moment Is Now

What Will You Choose?

Fate… or… Destiny

Every living being gets a vote. Your voice, your story is your vote. Join the journeyers and add your voice to the story of Earth. Everyone is needed to avert the Fall.

…beware the Human Cake.


Sapience: The Moment Is Now

Five Star Review of Sapience: The Moment Is Now

Five Star Review of Sapience: The Moment Is Now | Navigating Our Future | Music: Dreamin by Ann Annie Album: Atmospheres, Vol. 2 url | Animation: Made with Genolve

The graphic above encapsulates the essence of this Five Star review in images. The full review is provided below. It was reviewed in the United States on October 2, 2024 on Amazon. I welcome more reviews from all readers of Sapience.

This book is hard to classify. It is set in a dystopian future where multi-national corporations (Multis) control what used to be the USA. That might sound like Sci-Fi but this Sci-Fi setting is more to provide the scaffolding for a compelling and thought-provoking deep dive into the nuances of human consciousness, societal evolution, and the pivotal choices we face in the modern era.
The book challenges readers to reconsider their understanding of what it means to be truly 'sapient'—to possess wisdom and discernment. It explores the historical context of human development, tracing our journey from primitive beginnings to the complex, interconnected societies we inhabit today. This historical journey chews up quite a few chapters but helps convey the book's central message: that the moment for profound change and self-awareness is now – in a world facing climate change, the rise of AI, income inequality and populist support of authoritarianism.
One of the standout features of "Sapience" is that draws on a wide array of disciplines, including economics, politics, psychology, anthropology, and ethics, to build a comprehensive picture of humanity's current predicament. Moreover, "Sapience" is not just a theoretical treatise; it is a call to action. The book urges individuals to cultivate mindfulness, ethical responsibility, and a deeper connection with the world around them. It emphasizes the importance of collective action and the need for a paradigm shift in how we view progress and success. A quote for a feel of the book:
"Even people riding on the upper crests of the waves of civilization feel it… if they are honest with themselves, there is a constant tug pulling on the conscience of all human beings living in all civilizations and in all social levels all over the world that they don’t matter, that they are not valued, that they are not a treasured member of society. Nobody is. How can they be?
Groups of connected individuals used to be 20 to 30 members. Back then, 5,000+ years ago, everybody mattered, everybody had something of value, a talent, an ability that was needed and helped the tribe survive. And this was a gift… and it was treasured by everybody in the tribe.
In the modern world, where a thousand people … probably more… can do the same job for even less than what you need to do it, everybody feels themselves to be a disposable commodity used by a mindless machine man calls civilization. "
The book is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of humanity and the steps we must take to ensure a sustainable and enlightened path forward. It is a powerful reminder that the choices we make today will shape the world of tomorrow, and it inspires readers to rise to the challenge with wisdom and resolve. The book ends on a cliffhanger being the first volume in a set.


Welcome to this space, which is dedicated to celebrating you and who you are becoming (really, who you have always been). This is a place committed to bringing wisdom back into our species name by stirring consciousness through art, story, and essay.

Why Art and Story?

Because each of us is a story unfolding through space and time. Now, as no other time in human history, we need new and better stories about ourselves, about each other, and about our collective story for this is our shared reality. Homo sapiens is a single species that evolved on Earth, emerging out of billions and billions of other life that evolved on Earth. Now it alone holds the keys to the entire kingdom of life here on our fragile blue marble suspended in space. Supposedly, we are the wise ones, but have we lost the very wisdom for which our species was named. Now, we need the wisdom for which our species was named. We may have caused this disease, but we are also the medicine of Now. And, this is why art and story are essential for they help us tell better stories about ourselves by helping us uncover and understand more of who we really are.

Every thought, choice, and action we make is like a vote on the direction our collective tide of consciousness flows. This direction creates Now, and this is why every human being is needed to create a better Now. As we learn how to swim once again in the deeper waters of our consciousness, we can begin to access deeper ways of being and wisdom needed to solve complex global challenges. We can learn how to unite mind and psyche allowing us to access creativity that helps us rediscover ways of thinking and being in the world that are life affirming and sustainable.

When we listen to each other’s stories, we heal and grow as individuals and groups, which empowers us to become better individuals who can contribute stronger, better threads to our shared reality (i.e., the stories we tell about ourselves, our families, friends, communities, cities, countries, and world). This is not new work. It is as old as the first humans sitting around the first camp fires telling stories. We choose the quality of the thread we contribute to Now moment by moment.

This site shares stories and art about the New Ancients (who are us). We are the ones who are rising and moving into the deep waters of our individual and collective consciousness. Welcome to this space and to your growing role as a story teller of this moment in time.

Now is the Time for Wisdom

Storytelling, art, and music have long helped humans access ancient pathways to deeper knowledge and wisdom—pathways that were well-trodden by our ancestors but have become overgrown, forgotten, and lost in our modern time. In their place, amazing scientific discoveries and technological advancements define our modern time, and indeed they improve our lives in many ways; however, other parts of who we are as human beings remain fuzzy, nascent, and yet to be fully understood—something that seems less and less likely as we become more and more distracted by fabulous new technologies packaged for us by mega corporations who compete fiercely with each other for the money we earn working for them. Essentially, these are circular systems that are eating themselves. But constant economic growth remains the gold star measure of a successful civilization, and so corporations eagerly cater to our appetites for something new. With a human population of 7.5 billion (and growing), Earth’s life sustaining systems are being pushed to breaking points. In short, we are a species that is too successful and has overshot its biological niche bringing us to the brink of devastating, even irreversible damage to Earth’s life sustaining systems such as our climate.


“The golden mean or golden middle way is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.”
— Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics II.1

Most modern humans scarcely recognize the ancients places our ancestors travelled and knew so well… places where insight, creativity, intuition, and wisdom spring from eternally… places that have determined the fate or destiny of man since the beginning of time. Many of us can no longer see, hear, smell or taste our way back to these ancient places, essentially cut off from our internal spring of wisdom, knowledge, and inspiration. This is partly due to the dominate Western narrative that has locked most of humanity inside super-sized, consumption-driven bubbles that has trapped vast amounts of intelligence, creativity, and inspiration. The price is declining psychic, spiritual, and emotional health. Yet, most of us stay in these bubbles lulled into complacency by those benefiting most by our compliance and who want us to believe this is the only way to exist in the world. But it is not. There are other ways to be in the world that are much more balanced, sustainable, and life affirming than our current dominate narrative puffed up on a narcissistic high that badly misunderstands its place in the world, nature, and the true work humans are here to do.

How do we get to these other places of being?

Conscious growth is a starting point for when we are born, much of ourselves remains hidden in the darkness of our unconsciousness (i.e., simply it has not risen yet into the light of our growing conscious understanding, thus we cannot see or recognize these parts of ourselves as existing at all). Finding what lies hidden in the darkness of our unconsciousness is a journey that must be reveal over time. Often, we are guided to the deeper places inside ourselves through life events, sudden reversals, and struggle. At the same time, we learn parts of ourselves are not accepted by our family, peers, and/or culture—sometimes in painful or traumatic ways, which can lead us to hide these parts of ourselves, locking them in deep recesses of our unconsciousness, sometimes forgetting they belong to us. Even worst, we may split pieces of our psychic wholeness from ourselves, creating an inner wound that never heals. This process of forgetting and splitting who we are diminishes us in so many ways, most of all, it hinders us from doing what we are here to really do. If we cannot find ways to discover, reunite, and heal these discarded, submerged, or still undiscovered parts of ourselves, we are prevented from becoming whole. And, this can be tragic for every part of ourselves is needed to balance every other part.

Stories offer powerful places where one can go to gain insight, wisdom, truth—even transformation. Stories help us recognize threats that come from within our own psyche and inspire us to resist bad behavior and destructive choices. They can even provide short cuts in learning how to do the hard work of self-reflection needed to find the parts of ourselves that remain unconscious, and in doing so, empower us to become a kinder, wiser, and a more courageous person. Some stories even show us how to recognize and respond to existential threats, providing a pathway off a course that could destroy a person, a civilization, or even world.

Every thought, choice, and action we make is like a vote on the direction our collective tide of our consciousness flows. This direction creates Now, and this is why every human being is needed to create a better Now. As we learn how to swim once again in the deeper waters of our consciousness, we can begin to access deeper ways of being and wisdom needed to solve complex global challenges. We can learn how to unite mind and psyche allowing us to access creativity that will help us rediscover other ways of thinking and being in the world that are life affirming and sustainable. When we listen to each other’s stories, we heal and grow as individuals and groups, which empowers us to become better individuals who can contribute stronger, better threads to our shared reality (i.e., the stories we tell about ourselves, our families, friends, communities, cities, countries, and world). This is not new work. It is as old as the first humans sitting around the first camp fires telling stories.

So now, here we stand at the edge of a global precipice the likes of which humanity has never stood so near before. If we go over, we may never return. Homo sapiens sapiens is a single species that evolved on Earth, emerging out of billions and billions of other life, and now it alone holds the keys to the entire kingdom of life on Earth. Supposedly, we are the wise ones, but we have lost the very wisdom our species was named for andneeds so desperately nowto save ourselves and life on our planet. We may have caused this disease, but we are also the medicine of Now. And, it is simple, we need only apply our time and attention to notice the divine in ourselves and others, thus healing ourselves, each other, and Earth. As our personal stories become richer, stronger, more diverse, so will our collective story, and Earth might yet heal. Each and every person is a force for positive change and transformation (or destruction – the choice is made person by person). To survive, we must become transformers for life, so that Earth can heal, and we can hand her to our children and grandchildren in all her divine beauty seven generations forward. Earth is our home (our Mother)—the only place in the universe capable of sustaining life as we know it (at least the only one that we humans can get to). For you see, life is immensely precious and rare, even in the vastness of this magnificent universe. It’s lost is incalculable and leaves a void in the void of endless space from which we somehow miraculously emerged and found ourselves to exist.

We Are the Story Earth Needs Now


Animations & Images

On this site, we use the WordPress SVG Animation Plugin, which is really cool for making a webpage banner or animate scroll effects. You can even create a Facebook cover photo, make an album cover, or make music videos for TikTok or YouTube shorts. The shapes evolve in real time, check out a demo with unicorn svg and dinosaur svg or if that is kid stuff, try the snowflake svg and star svg.

Favorite Animations of Past Stories

Dear People of Ukraine
Mother of Grief
The End of the World
Satan’s Sister
The Money Monster
End of Democracy
Caterwauling Cat
The Abyss

Thank You for Visiting

Thank you for visiting us and check out Genolve to create your own fun and cool animation or get the WordPress SVG plugin and start making them on your website.


  • A Wheelchair of Wounds: The Psychic Toll of Conflict & Genocide

  • Instead of Dividing… Synthesize

  • The Choice

  • Wisdom

A Wheelchair of Wounds: The Psychic Toll of Conflict & Genocide

In my book, Sapience: The Moment Is Now, I trace the roots of antisemitism back centuries. These hateful sentiments stretch back to the First Crusades and even further back in time. The night (or rather early morning) of the attack, I had a dream about the Human Cake. It was the second time I had dreamed this dream. It is not a pleasant dream. Rather, it is a shocking, revolting, scary dream, and I could not image why I was dreaming about it again.

Instead of Dividing… Synthesize

Division The fractured Earth reflects our reality. On the barren side, the blackened devastation symbolizes rampant urbanization and industrialization. This often comes at the cost of protecting and preserving Earth’s natural world. It reflects the divided reality most modern human beings must sustain and keep perpetuating throughout their entire lives. They must do so to …

The Choice

This dress builds on the message I introduced earlier with the Undecided T-shirt. It is part of the Always Forward, Never Back Collection. It delves even deeper into where our decisions, beliefs, and ideas about reality come from. Here, we start to venture deeper into the realm of soul. Here, the importance of making time …


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