Instead of Dividing… Synthesize


The fractured Earth reflects our reality. On the barren side, the blackened devastation symbolizes rampant urbanization and industrialization. This often comes at the cost of protecting and preserving Earth’s natural world. It reflects the divided reality most modern human beings must sustain and keep perpetuating throughout their entire lives. They must do so to survive in all the cities and towns. Here, they must survive in money-based economies where pollution, overcrowding, and resource depletion are prevalent. This imagery critiques a human-made system that prioritizes short-term gains over long-term sustainability. It evokes a sense of urgency about the path we’re on.

Economic Division

Other themes implied on the devastation side include corporate dominance. It is devastated. All livable land has been used for factories, roads, shopping centers, and cities. These support and perpetuate modern man’s consumer industrial complex.

Billionaires vs Every Living Being on Earth

It side also hints at the influence mega corporations wield in modern politics and society. Our time in man’s history is a time when billionaires use their billions to sway how people think. Greedy multi-billionaires prey on the very people they hire. First, they keep them trapped in low-paying, back-breaking work. Then, they use tried and true mind control techniques on their own employees. They also use these techniques on millions of others trapped in low-wage jobs. The goal is to make them support the idea that they, the super rich, need even more money. They claim this is needed to keep them employed and that all this money will eventually trickle down to them.

Greed vs Life

Greedy billionaires will pour millions of dollars into political campaigns to influence elections. This money goes to support modern marketing campaigns and people that are ripe with mind control techniques. Joost Meerloo’s book, The Rape of the Mind, was published in 1956. His book was discussed in great detail in the Marvelization of Man series published last year here. Joost’s book explores in great detail the mind control used by the Nazis and Japanese during WWII.

Greed: Gateway to the Corruption

Greedy billionaire hand pick politician who are ready to lie, steal, and cheat their way into political office. Once in power, the billionaire backers expect “their” corrupted politicians to do them favors. Such favors basically let them grow unchecked, unregulated, and out of control.

Divided Earth = Divided Mind

In the context of my book, divided Earth is a symbol of power dynamics destroying Earth. It is a world where corporate interests override ecological and social considerations. It is a world where people are disposable tools for the mega rich. It is a world divide between people and their environment, the rich from poor, the powerful from the powerless.

On the thriving side of fractured Earth, the vision of regeneration clings to its polar-opposite half. Here, the green-blue side acts as a beacon of possibility. It symbolizes the regenerative power of nature and the potential for humans to live harmoniously within it. This side serves as an aspirational vision for what our world could become through conscious efforts. It reflects sustainable practices. It embodies respect for biodiversity.

Symbolic Imagery

Let’s dissection the design elements of this T-shirt a little be more deeply.

Front: Fractured Earth

Black Barren Side: This side starkly shows the consequences of unchecked industrialization and environmental neglect. The cities, factories, and roads are symbolic of the relentless pursuit of profit. It shows the results of an Earth dominated by a consumerist mentality that prioritizes economic growth over ecological sustainability. This imagery serves as a wake-up call, illustrating a future that many fear if current trajectories continue.

Green-Blue Thriving Side: In contrast, the other side embodies hope, resilience, and the potential for regeneration. The lush landscapes and vibrant ecosystems signify what is possible when humanity lives in harmony with nature. They foster biodiversity and nurture life. This duality starkly contrasts despair with hope, highlighting the urgent need for a collective shift in perspective.

Back: Radiant Unified Earth

– The unified image of Earth bursting with life and color reinforces the idea of synthesis and cooperation. It suggests that a harmonious existence is attainable and emphasizes the beauty of diversity—both in nature and in human thought. This imagery serves as a visual reminder. It remind us that unity, collaboration, and an appreciation for diverse perspectives can lead to a sustainable future.

– The vibrant depiction of Earth on the back signifies the interconnectedness of all life. It is a symbol of the necessity of diversity and interconnection for life to exist. It reminds us that biodiversity is essential not only for ecological health but also for cultural richness and innovation. This reinforces the idea that diverse perspectives can lead to stronger, more adaptive solutions to global challenges.

– The imagery of a unified Earth encourages collective action. It symbolizes that while we may come from different backgrounds, ideas, and experiences. Our shared goals and aspirations can lead to meaningful change. This is particularly relevant in a time when divisions—political, social, and environmental—seem more pronounced than ever. It is a reminder that Unity in Action is more important to humans that ever before.

Textual Elements

Front Text: “Instead of Dividing”

– This phrase challenges the divisive mentality that often characterizes societal interactions today. It urges individuals to move beyond binary thinking. Such thinking only leads to conflict and stagnation. This T-shirt advocates instead for inclusivity and collaboration.

Back Text: “Synthesize”

– The call to synthesize encapsulates the essence of this T-shirt’s message. It encourages people to merge ideas and perspectives, fostering innovation and creative problem-solving. In a world rife with complexities, synthesis becomes an essential skill for navigating challenges. Synthesizing allows us to transcend simplistic, polarizing viewpoints. A unified Earth is the path ahead humans must take to survive.

Thematic Connections

Transformation & Survival

– In my book, the character Yong Xing-li symbolizes the struggle for survival amid collapse. He is seeking a unifying vision for humanity. His fictional moment mirrors our current collective reality. Both call for synthesis—of ideas, efforts, and hearts.

These narratives resonate deeply today. They align with our current global challenges. They remind us that transformative thinking is necessary to overcome obstacles. They highlight the urgency of cooperative efforts to tackle climate change, social inequity, and other pressing issues. They invite everyone to join. And show how synthesize ideas and actions can lead to a more harmonious existence.

The Power of Synthesis

– The exploration of synthesis as a critical human ability is timely. In an age of information overload and rapid change, the ability to blend ideas and cultivate creative solutions is vital. Synthesis can lead to more holistic understandings of complex problems, fostering a culture that values collaboration over competition.

Collective Responsibility

– The notion that self-aware beings must “tame” their consciousness speaks to our collective responsibility. It emphasizes the need for mindfulness in our choices and actions. It urges individuals to consider the broader implications of their decisions on the planet and society.

Global Crisis Is Opportunity

– We are living in a pivotal moment. Our time on Earth is characterized by climate emergencies, social unrest, and widespread disenchantment with traditional systems of governance. This backdrop makes the message about synthesis all the more relevant. The need for innovative thinking and collaborative action is pressing, as the consequences of inaction become increasingly dire.

Cultural Shift

A growing recognition that a global cultural shift towards sustainability and social responsibility is needed now. It is needed to survive as a species on Earth. People are slowly coming to recognize the importance of holistic thinking. But the social control efforts implemented by the super rich hinder greatly real meaningful collective action. We are not synthesizing fast enough collectively to change our fate.

Nevertheless, this is not a reason to stop trying. The more people who move away from the divisive narratives dominating modern discourse, the more likely transformative change will occur. Our current moment is ripe for transformative ideas. This t-shirt is a powerful tool to inspire dialogue. And even without dialogue, its symbolism works inside the minds of people who view it. The unconsciousness of passive viewers will mull over and think about the idea of the Power of Synthesis. It will help to awaken this vital human ability all humans have. An ability we need to use now to chart a collective path ahead for a sustainable future, a survivable future.

Innovative Solutions

– The call to “Synthesize” taps into the urgency of creative problem-solving. It urges individuals to not only think outside the box but to dismantle the box entirely. It blends ideas from various fields, cultures, and disciplines to forge new pathways. This is particularly crucial in tackling complex issues like climate change, where interdisciplinary approaches often yield the most effective solutions.

Mindfulness & Consciousness

– In my book, I explore the notion of taming self-awareness. This T-shirt imparts through symbolism the importance of mindfulness in decision-making. In a world saturated with information and distractions, fostering a thoughtful, reflective approach to our actions is essential. Such mindfulness can lead to more conscious choices that emphasize sustainability and collective well-being.


This t-shirt design serves not just as a piece of clothing but as a catalyst for conversation and reflection. It invites wearers and viewers alike to ponder their role in shaping the future of our planet. By merging art and activism, this T-shirt become a tool in fostering a vital dialogue. It invite conversations about cooperation, creativity, and the potential for a united planet.

Regardless of if you engage in a conversation or not, the T-shirt continues to work. This is because symbols are the language of the mind. The symbology of a thriving Earth filled with people employing the power of synthesist instead of division is a powerful. It is a message that resonates deeply now.

In essence, this T-shirt serves as a canvas that reflects the dual realities of our time. It shows the stark consequences of division and neglect versus the hopeful potential of unity and cooperation. It challenges wearers and viewers to confront the current state of the world. But is also inspires both wearer and viewer to envision and work towards a more harmonious future.

As a piece of wearable art, this T-shirt invites conversation and action. It embodies the transformation of synthesist. The Moment Is Now in not only a call for action. It is a call for the transformation of the human mind. All of us must engage in daily thoughts that lead to positive, cooperative, collective action. To dwell in divisive thinking will only spell our collective doom. Humanity never achieved anything lasting through division. Such thinking only leads to sorrow, despair, and poverty–not only physically but spiritually. Be courageous. Be the change. Be the symbol of transformation. Be the Vision of Hope Earth needs so badly now!

Blog Summary

Discover the powerful symbolism behind our unique t-shirt design, featuring a fractured Earth split between a barren, industrialized landscape and a vibrant, thriving ecosystem. This thought-provoking piece reflects our current socio-environmental challenges, urging wearers to embrace the concept of synthesis—combining diverse ideas and perspectives to create innovative solutions for a sustainable future. Inspired by the themes in my book, Sapience: The Moment Is Now, this shirt serves as a catalyst for dialogue, inviting individuals to confront the realities of our time and envision a harmonious world through collective action.

SEO Title & Description

Transformative T-Shirt Design: Embrace Synthesis for a Sustainable Future: Explore the symbolism of our thought-provoking t-shirt design, featuring a fractured Earth that contrasts industrial devastation with a vibrant, thriving ecosystem. Inspired by Sapience: The Moment Is Now, this shirt encourages dialogue on synthesis and collective action for a sustainable future.

Music for Video:

Synthesize — Mike Morrisey

The Choice

This dress builds on the message I introduced earlier with the Undecided T-shirt. It is part of the Always Forward, Never Back Collection. It delves even deeper into where our decisions, beliefs, and ideas about reality come from. Here, we start to venture deeper into the realm of soul. Here, the importance of making time for Soulful Moments is revealed. It is not only a nice experience. It is an essential one. Here, we learn how to recognize Soulful Wisdom. It is the mental process of sorting good ideas from bad. It involves choosing good action over harmful action.

Hard choices, tough decisions, and near states of constant indecision have become normal ways of being in modern societies. Perhaps at no time in human history have individuals faced sorting through so many endless streams of information. They are bombarded like a circular firing squad of information overload. Competition for an individual’s human attention has never been higher. Today, everybody wants a piece of your time and mind.

We have monetized our time and attention into fractured, rigid categories. These have been segregated by levels depending on how much a person makes. It’s completely arbitrary humanity’s modern systems of economy and commerce. A person gets paid X dollars for doing X activities for X hours. But some people get paid a whole lot more than others. Some times the justification for this is well founded. It includes extensive training. It also includes years of education to become an expert in a field. But there are many cases where one guy or gal makes way too much. This happens regardless of what they are actually doing for X activity.

From this construction of reality, all sorts of complexities, hidden dangers, huge discrepancies and inequalities emerge. The reality most people must survive is one where there is not a fair system of exchange. It has never been fair. After more than 5,000 years of living this way, we think it is the only way to exist. It is not.

This is where the Soulful Wisdom Collection comes into play. The designs and stories of the products in this collection are meant to inspire spirit through color. They also inspire soulful moments through vivid patterns and archetypal images. I draw the ideas for many of my stories and imagery from the work of Carl Jung. He was a psychologist at the turn of the 20th Century. Through his work at the Burghölzli psychiatric hospital, in Zurich, Jung established himself as an influential mind. He developed a friendship with Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis. They conducted a lengthy correspondence paramount to their joint vision of human psychology (Wikipedia). 

Jung came to understand the human mind shares a symbolic reservoir of knowledge. This reservoir spans across all times, places, and cultures. He called these living symbolic representations of common experiences all people share archetypes. These living symbols is what all humans use to be conscious and self-aware. Without conscious self-awareness, people would not know that they know something. Action would be purely instinctual… and the consequences of such action would be experienced as an immutable and unforgiving fate.

How a person learns to recognize their inner, mental world and navigate it often determines the quality of their life. Navigating this inner world is crucial. This inner world is nothing less than a living reservoir of archetypes. All choice and actions have consequences. Eastern thought calls this Karma. It is nothing more than the timeless law of cause and effect. For an individual to make wise choices, they must cultivate the interior of their mind. This prevents choices obscured by unconscious biases or implicit prejudices, attitudes, and mindsets. A person must exercise their mind just as one must take care of and exercise the body.

As I create more products for this collection and others, we will explore more of our hidden inner world. This is where magic happens all the time. It’s just learning how to see inside and recognize it. This way you can act wisely on who and what you really are.

If you have not already done so, take a moment to check out the Sapience Shop: The Quip Collection. And for a deeper dive into all of this stuff, consider reading my book. It is presented as an adventure story. Sapience: The Moment Is Now.

Thank you for your time and attention! And have a great day!

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