The Choice

This dress builds on the message I introduced earlier with the Undecided T-shirt. It is part of the Always Forward, Never Back Collection. It delves even deeper into where our decisions, beliefs, and ideas about reality come from. Here, we start to venture deeper into the realm of soul. Here, the importance of making time for Soulful Moments is revealed. It is not only a nice experience. It is an essential one. Here, we learn how to recognize Soulful Wisdom. It is the mental process of sorting good ideas from bad. It involves choosing good action over harmful action.

Hard choices, tough decisions, and near states of constant indecision have become normal ways of being in modern societies. Perhaps at no time in human history have individuals faced sorting through so many endless streams of information. They are bombarded like a circular firing squad of information overload. Competition for an individual’s human attention has never been higher. Today, everybody wants a piece of your time and mind.

We have monetized our time and attention into fractured, rigid categories. These have been segregated by levels depending on how much a person makes. It’s completely arbitrary humanity’s modern systems of economy and commerce. A person gets paid X dollars for doing X activities for X hours. But some people get paid a whole lot more than others. Some times the justification for this is well founded. It includes extensive training. It also includes years of education to become an expert in a field. But there are many cases where one guy or gal makes way too much. This happens regardless of what they are actually doing for X activity.

From this construction of reality, all sorts of complexities, hidden dangers, huge discrepancies and inequalities emerge. The reality most people must survive is one where there is not a fair system of exchange. It has never been fair. After more than 5,000 years of living this way, we think it is the only way to exist. It is not.

This is where the Soulful Wisdom Collection comes into play. The designs and stories of the products in this collection are meant to inspire spirit through color. They also inspire soulful moments through vivid patterns and archetypal images. I draw the ideas for many of my stories and imagery from the work of Carl Jung. He was a psychologist at the turn of the 20th Century. Through his work at the Burghölzli psychiatric hospital, in Zurich, Jung established himself as an influential mind. He developed a friendship with Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis. They conducted a lengthy correspondence paramount to their joint vision of human psychology (Wikipedia). 

Jung came to understand the human mind shares a symbolic reservoir of knowledge. This reservoir spans across all times, places, and cultures. He called these living symbolic representations of common experiences all people share archetypes. These living symbols is what all humans use to be conscious and self-aware. Without conscious self-awareness, people would not know that they know something. Action would be purely instinctual… and the consequences of such action would be experienced as an immutable and unforgiving fate.

How a person learns to recognize their inner, mental world and navigate it often determines the quality of their life. Navigating this inner world is crucial. This inner world is nothing less than a living reservoir of archetypes. All choice and actions have consequences. Eastern thought calls this Karma. It is nothing more than the timeless law of cause and effect. For an individual to make wise choices, they must cultivate the interior of their mind. This prevents choices obscured by unconscious biases or implicit prejudices, attitudes, and mindsets. A person must exercise their mind just as one must take care of and exercise the body.

As I create more products for this collection and others, we will explore more of our hidden inner world. This is where magic happens all the time. It’s just learning how to see inside and recognize it. This way you can act wisely on who and what you really are.

If you have not already done so, take a moment to check out the Sapience Shop: The Quip Collection. And for a deeper dive into all of this stuff, consider reading my book. It is presented as an adventure story. Sapience: The Moment Is Now.

Thank you for your time and attention! And have a great day!

Featured Product

The Choice Skater Dress: Embrace Colorful Contrast in Style; Spirit Guide skater dress, Colorful pattern dress, Spirit fashion, Soulful wear, Bohemian style


  Discover the captivating Women’s Skater Dress featuring a striking, colorful design of a powerful dark female spirit guide and a grumpy old grey man. With one path leading to a vibrant rainbow world and the other to a dark, spooky forest, this unique dress blends mystical artistry with fashion. Perfect for making a statement … Continue reading “The Choice Skater Dress: Embrace Colorful Contrast in Style; Spirit Guide skater dress, Colorful pattern dress, Spirit fashion, Soulful wear, Bohemian style”


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