Why America… why did you choose the Orange Ignorant Again?
On November 5, 2024, by the slimmest of margins, Americans made a fatal decision. Donald tRump and his reality star-studded cast of clowns were given back the reigns of power of the most powerful country in the world.
November 5 marks a drastic decline for the USA. The choice Americans made that day shows the world that a slim majority of Americans are perfectly fine with:
- Consuming mountain loads of misinformation and calling it reality;
- Putting their needs, their beliefs, their biases above everyone’s else; and
- Gladly giving power to rapists, pedophiles and sex offenders, misogynists, racists, fascists, cheaters, deceivers, liars, and basically the Basket of Deplorables (or another word for them is Fools) that Hillary Clinton aptly classified Trump voters as being back in 2016.
If we can even recover from this tragic state of affairs, to regain even a small amount of normalcy in this country again, Americans by the bucket loads need to feed their minds with potent, powerful archetypal food. Archetypes are what make it possible to be conscious. Without awareness of them and how they impact us, we are doomed to our bad karma and collective fate, which at this point is really not looking good at all (except if you’re living in the Upside Down… then, you are having a hay day, until… BOOM… consequences hit!
Rise of Creepy Sycophants in Corporate Media
And corporate America, left leaning or right leaning, has a lot of accounting for this fatal choice, a choice fueled by the love of money.
Corporate Media treats Trump and his campaign of if it were a legitimate player in American politics. It is not legitimate. It is insane. But rather than reporting on the insanity, they gave precious air-time to Trump’s sycophants, brown-nosers, teacher’s pets, suck-ups, flunkeys, bootlickers, toadies, minions, and parasites.
One is featured below.

Entertaining Ourselves to Death
Really CNN?! You think Americans need more performance reality in the wake of the defeat of intelligence, sanity, along with measured and judicious action!
Did you not read Neil Postman’s book here?

I read this book in 1985, but Americans haven’t learned a damned thing since then. Indeed, ignorance has only deepened and grown worse than what Neil Postman warned us about.
And, oh wait, you did read it. You give an endorsement of it:
“It’s unlikely that Trump has ever read Amusing Ourselves to Death, but his ascent would not have surprised Postman.” – CNN
But you didn’t understand a thing Postman said. Because now, you, CNN is one of the worst offenders of what Postman warned us about in his book. Fox of course is so full of amusing itself and its viewers, it can’t even be called a News Show anymore. Rather, Fox is a gateway to the long rabbit hole into ignorance, hate, deceit, criminality, and fascist radicalization into the MAGA Cult.
Here are some of the reasons you, CNN, contributed to Trump’s sweeping victory:
Fabulous Fantasy Side Trip
This destruction of a beautiful, fabulous, intelligent woman is right in the wheel house of MAGA. And it definitely deserves a little side trip: Inventing Ivana Trump: Her Improbable Rise and Tragic Death

Ivana Trump in 1986 at Mar-a-Lago, which she restored. By Norman Parkinson / Iconic Images.
Ivana Marie Zelníčková escaped from behind the Iron Curtain to storm New York City and help create the twisted miracle of Donald Trump. From her “greed is good” heyday to her post-divorce denouement cavorting with a series of “freaky” Italian lovers, it was Ivana, all along, who gilded the Trump name.
By Mark Seal, November 3, 2022 — Vanity Fair
This is just a snippet:
Until she didn’t. Some said she began to aspire to things he despised: society, charity boards, fashion shows, grand balls, and grand people. “The phonies,” Trump called them. “He didn’t want a copilot,” one longtime Trump observer will later say. “He wanted a cheerleader.”
Soon, the cameras shone more on her and less on him, “and he was not going to have it,” said Adams.
The divorce sweeps the world. A tawdry romance novel sprung to life, it opens with Trump and his mistress Marla Maples creasing the sheets in Trump-owned hotels. Everyone seems to know except Ivana.
“I always stand by the man,” she says.
Now she is standing in the three-bedroom suite in the Little Nell Hotel in Aspen. It is the Christmas holiday of 1989, and Ivana, at 40, has been reborn via a makeover by the renowned cosmetic surgeon Steve Hoefflin. She’s had “a face-lift, a bosom inflation, and heaven only knows what else,” wrote Liz Smith, who didn’t recognize the new Ivana—until she spoke.
Inside the suite, she picks up a landline and hears her husband on the extension speaking to a local real estate agent about someone whose name she hasn’t heard before.
“Who is Moolah?” she demands.
“Well, that’s a girl who has been going after me for the last two years,” Trump replies.
Somehow, Trump has juggled Ivana and the 26-year-old Maples at holiday parties, keeping them separate and seemingly satisfied. But his luck runs out at Bonnie’s, the rustic lunch spot at the top of Aspen Mountain. He’s sitting with Marla and some friends when Ivana walks in, trailed by Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric.
Marla, in a black ski suit, approaches Ivana, in red and pink, and delivers a line that, as an aspiring actor, she has surely rehearsed: “I’m Marla and I love your husband. Do you?”
In an instant, Ivana replies: “Get lost. I love my husband.”
Then, as she has done all her life, Ivana charges. Not at Moolah—at The Donald. “We were halfway through lunch, and she’s coming toward us, screaming, ‘You no good son of a bitch!’ ” says someone who was at Trump’s table. Trump intercepts her halfway across the crowded room. “And she’s just flailing on him.” (Asked for comment, Marla Maples did not respond.)
They exit and the lunch crowd rises as one to watch from the deck. “He clicks into his skis and you could tell that she’s looking at him, like, ‘Really? You’re going to try to ski away from me?’ ” He tries, but she is fast on his tail. Back at the Little Nell, Ivana hurls her husband’s clothes and Rolex watch out of the windows of their suite and into the snow.
Next comes the unthinkable, at least for Trump. Everyone seems to side with her.
Don’t let me stop the story, go to Vanity Fair. Read the whole article.
Ivana’s rise is indeed much more impressive than The Donald’s. But the MAGA-verse, which we have all ended up living inside since Nov. 5, 2024, is absolutely horrible to older, formerly glamorous and fabulous women.
Ivana’s Fall… literally… is devastating. And now, she lies in an unmarked grave somewhere in an unkempt part of tRump’s golf course.
And Another Fabulous Side Trip of What Happened to Another Beautiful, Smart Woman Who Became Entangled with a Megalomaniac Man
Now… Back to the Boring Scott Jennings…
Really Scott Jennings… is that so?
…And the Fall of Western News Media
No wonder this headline happened to Corporate Media: MSNBC Viewership Craters 38%, CNN 27%, While Fox News Audience Jumps 41% Post-Election

However, even the bootlicker Jennings admits comedy in America is getting a tremendous boost post 2024 election. However, if Americans are just tuning in for a laugh, and then going back to minimizing the disaster that has befallen America… it’s not helping us.
And so, Our Consolation Prize is the Rise of Comedy
But, it is not enough!
Enter from Stage Left, the MeidasTouch Network
This new News Network is helping fix what corporate media broke.
But We Still Need More…
…because the main battlefield is not happening on the outside in our shared world. The main battlefield is being fought on the inside, inside our minds.
If we are going to win this fight, then we (the sane and intelligent Americans still standing) need to get a lot more serious about how images and archetypes workd… because Lord knows the MAGAs certainly have!
The MAGAs are winning because they have tapped into ancient, magnetic, and powerful forms of thought and primitive thinking. They probably don’t even know exactly what they have tapped into. They only know that it is working.
Case in point:
Political Pollster Patrick Ruffin on the 2024 Election Results
Republican Party strategist and political pollster Patrick Ruffin discussed trends from the 2024 election at the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity’s annual “Freedom and Progress” conference in Washington, D.C. Topics included strengths and weaknesses of the Trump and Harris campaigns, the economy as a key election issue, the pivot in diversity within the GOP, and how the electorate interpreted the character of each candidate.
And of course, Trump himself is a lightening rod. Trump certainly cannot talk the language of the mind, but he has an instinct for how to tap into the ancient, primitive parts of the human mind and how to manipulate the masses.
Sapience: The Moment Is Now
My book, Sapience: The Moment Is Now, goes into great detail about these ancient, primitive, powerful parts of the human mind.

unfortunately, my book seems beyond the mental capabilities of most causal readers. It is too long, too complicated, goes over too much human history.
Well, dear humans of Earth, if we don’t understand our shared collective history… we are doomed to repeat it over and over and over again. And that is exactly what we are doing right now in 2024.
In fact, I have a Chapter titled 2024. If nothing else, buy my book (or contact me and I’ll send you a free copy) and start at Chapter 2024.
If we don’t understand our own minds, we are doomed on this planet.
The Trump Contagion that Dr. Bandy talks about is called The Corruption in my book. It is the same thing and humanity has been dealing with it for an awfully long time, except now, we can create a species ending situation with men such as Trump, Putin, and Musk.
Attempting to make my book a bit more digestible for the modern Western mind, I am creating less than one minute animations. This one is from the Chapter: The Myth of the Strong Man.

This one is from Yong Xing-li’s dream at the very end of Chapter 2024.

This one is the very beginning of Sapience.

We need to feed our minds with powerful stories that feed the parts of ourselves that make us conscious. My book is not the only powerful story out there, but my book certainly connects the dots between Primitive Man’s Mind and Modern Man’s Mind is a way I have only seen Issac Asimov do with his books in the Foundation Series and psychohistory.
Well, that is probably more than enough to ponder for another boring day in America…